this is an illustration i did for basim magazine for
hello..i've said this on my deviantart page..and i'll say it here too
so please read :)
i'm sorry i don't thank everybody at their page like i used to..and that i don't comment often on your work..
but i hope this will get better by time..things have been a mess and it's getting organized now..i've been really busy with some stuff and now i'm ready to share some news and may be ask for guidance too!
i'm moving to
Canada later this month..i'll be leaving on the 26th..and this is going to be a huge change in my life that i'm excited about
i still have no idea where or what or how i'm going to work there..or even where to look..what's the best or not..and stuff like that.. i'm still clueless and worried financially but i think it will be ok.. i can wash dishes after all hehehe!
if anyone here have any advice work(and life) in canada..and where i might look for a job that have something to do with drawing i'd be so grateful!
probably i'm going to be living in vancouver BC or toronto ON ..but i'll go to my wife at NB first..and i'll stay there to finish some papers and make some visits for a couple of months then we're moving after!..i'm thinking toronto ..hmmm..
right now i'm working a lot to collect some funds before i leave..and spending time with family and friends..god knows when i'm going to see them again and that i really will miss them so much..
i'll make another journal before i leave..i just wanted to share my news and if you have any advice i'll be thankful ..
or you can just wish me luck
so..wish me luck guys!
the illustration just in case if you don't care :D